
INEBG Series

Our Eco-Projects

Welcome message from Dick & James Strawbridge

Welcome to Newhouse Farm, home of all three of BBC television’s ‘It's Not Easy Being Green’ series. If you have a look around the website you’ll find details of our eco projects, such as our solar panels, wind turbines, ram pump, compost loo, geodesic dome and permaculture plot, many of which were covered on the BBC2 series. Click on 'Explore NHF' to take a look around or check out 'Our Eco-Projects'. Since our arrival here in summer 2005 there's still masses to do, but our aim continues to be...

'To live a 21st century lifestyle but to produce little or no waste and to remove our dependence upon fossil fuels'.

We realise that one of the hardest things about being green is making decisions on how to spend hard earned cash, so we decided to run courses here to share our experiences, demonstrate all the systems we have invested in, and offer eco advice. The courses cover many aspects of sustainable living and green technology, such as how to make your own biodiesel, Eco-Engineering, harness wind power, make the most of water power, and an introduction to sustainable living. Plus we've introduced some new food events with Dick Strawbridge, including; 'From Fork to Fork': lunch with Dick Strawbridge, and 'A Feast of Information': join Dick Strawbridge for an evening. All courses are led by Dick Strawbridge with assistance from his son James and the Newhouse Farm team, here at Newhouse Farm in Cornwall. For more details, course and event dates, and booking information click ‘Courses’ in the column on the left.


2 places left on Introduction course

We have 2 places remaining on our Introduction to Sustainable Living course led by Dick Strawbridge on 30th April here at Newhouse Farm. Click here for details and how to book.

Practical Self Sufficiency

Dick and James' new book is available to purchase. To find out more info check out their website.

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