It's Not Easy Being Green Series 3

Series 3 started on Wednesday 7th January, 2009 on BBC2

Programme 1

The new series has been produced in a 'magazine-style' format. Each episode contains: a Newhouse Farm based activity; an eco-tip from James; Lauren Laverne looking into green consumerism and Dick interviewing a celebrity to see how green he/she is.


We also have weekly visits to a young couple, Chris and Jay, who are conducting an 'ecovation' in their house in London, plus up to date reports on various aspects of being environmentally friendly - so it's a jam packed half hour!


Programme 2

Making BreadThis week at Newhouse Farm it’s all about bees. We follow the progress of our hives here in Cornwall and the bigger issues facing our struggling honey-making companions elsewhere in the country.


We also have our selection of reports:

Programme 3

This week at Newhouse Farm we are dealing with the reality of eating bacon sandwiches and Christmas turkey. Apologies to vegans and vegetarians but we are embracing the ‘rear-your-own’ philosophy as well as the grow-your-own. So, it’s goodbye to our two Cornish black pigs and hello to our new turkeys.


We also have a selection of other eco reports:

There should have been a much more explicit warning on the programme – DIGGING HOLES DEEPER THAN 1.2M CAN BE DANGEROUS.
It is not illegal for individuals to do it but the safest thing is to get expert advice and shore up the sides!

Programme 4

Here at Newhouse Farm local life takes on a huge role in our day to day activities. From popping into the local butchers to going to our green grocers we are fortunate to still have a thriving community. Another establishment that is still a key part of our lives is of course the local, our pub the New Inn. This week the team helps out the local pub with their soaring fuel bills. Plenty of projects that can just as easily be employed by other struggling businesses.


We also have a selection of other eco reports:

Programme 5

This week at Newhouse Farm we go a bit space-age. Taking delivery of a geodesic dome and setting up a new organic hydroponic system. The dome is the first of its kind for domestic use in the UK but the design concept itself has been around for about 100 years. New domes and information are available from Grow-Dome. Most famously on show at the Eden project in Cornwall it was our chosen sustainable structure for growing more food at home. Read more here.

It’s important to stress that for people interested in growing outside there are other cheaper options ranging from getting really lucky on Freecycle with a greenhouse, to buying a polytunnel in the classifieds (which proved well worthwhile here on the farm!), or building your own cloches out of rubbish. Cloches are essentially mini green houses that cover vegetables in order to start them early, protect seedlings or accelerate growth rates. The simplest DIY version has to be a plastic bottle with the bottom chopped off and then placed over a seedling. We have also found old scrap windows are great for building cloches. Happy growing…


Programme 6

This week at Newhouse Farm it’s homebrew moments fermenting away. The team collects bucket loads of local apples to make their very own cider and reinstate an old farm tradition.


Programme 7

This week at Newhouse Farm we are conjuring eco-magic. How do you get water to flow uphill with no batteries included? This week Dick and his team prove the impossible with a new eco project: the ram pump! Plus, the waterwheel gets its annual renovation.


Programme 8

At Newhouse Farm this week Dick and James are preparing one of their home reared Turkeys and their organic vegetables for a special lunch to be delivered on Bodmin Moor.


'It's Not Easy Being Green'
Series 3

Programme 1
Programme 2
Programme 3
Programme 4
Programme 5
Programme 6
Programme 7
Programme 8